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国务院印发《完善促进消费体制机制实施方案(2018-2020年)》文件中指出"积极培育‘冰雪运动’体育消费新业态"。在此背景下,立足于消费空间视角,以冰雪文化成为空间消费品为切入点,针对我国冰雪文化消费不足的问题,提出了冰雪文化消费空间的概念。研究发现,冰雪文化消费空间不仅具有经济、社会、文化的内涵特征,而且其体验化、商业化、休闲化、娱乐化的典型特征与文化艺术化、信息网络化、全球国际化的非消费要素相互共存,在空间消费活动中逐渐构建成宏观、中观、微观层面的空间体系。最终,在空间生产语境中,基于"生产-消费"的逻辑,提出了将冰雪文化消费空间正式纳入"生产-分配-交换-消费"的过程追求再生产的发展路径。  相似文献   
Problem-based learning (PBL) emerged during the 1970s in response to demands for active learning methods capable of developing transferable knowledge and skills in the training of doctors. Over succeeding decades, PBL was gradually adopted in other fields of education. This systematic review aimed to identify key streams of theory and empirical research that have emerged over time in PBL research and practice. The review sourced 12,036 Scopus-indexed documents published between 1974 and 2019. Science mapping was used to reveal the ‘intellectual structure’ or key research themes that have evolved in this literature over the past 45 years. The science mapping tool used in this review was author co-citation analysis conducted in VOSviewer software. Author co-citation analysis identified three schools of thought that together describe the intellectual structure of the PBL knowledge base: Design of PBL Curriculum and Instruction; PBL Effectiveness; Theory and Practice in Active Learning. In addition to portraying the intellectual structure of the literature as a whole, the review also conducted longitudinal analyses aimed at highlighting structural changes in this field over time. These analyses found that although the size and impact of schools of thought associated with Design of PBL Curriculum and Instruction and PBL Effectiveness increased over time, they remained stable in terms of theoretical foci. However, the Active Learning school evolved from a small school of authors associated with Cognitive Learning Theories prior to 2000 into the largest school of thought during the most recent decades. These findings both reaffirm the theoretical underpinnings of the PBL knowledge base and highlight its increasing integration with other forms of active learning.  相似文献   
With the creation of interactive tasks that allow students to explore spatial ways of knowing in conjunction with their other ways of knowing the world, we create a space where students can make sense of information as they organize these new ideas into their already existing schema. Through the use of a Common Online Data Analysis Platform (CODAP) and data from Public Use Microdata Areas (PUMA), students can explore the communities in which they live and work, critically examining opportunities and challenges within a defined space.  相似文献   
"人本主义"是素质教育改革持续推进的重要教学理念,对于当前高校开展公共体育课程教学改革工作具有积极意义。本文细致分析了"人本主义"对于高校公共体育教学改革的意义,重点阐述了高校公共体育课程教学改革过程中存在着的不足,并提出了一些科学有效的公共体育教学改革策略,为全面有效提升高校公共体育教学水平提供一定参考。  相似文献   
本文使用文献资料法、综述法、比较法、逻辑分析法等科研方法,针对瑜伽对心理和生理功能的作用和运动员的运动性疲劳两方面进行综述对照研究,探究得出:将瑜伽放松练习运用于田径运动员运动性疲劳恢复中的意义,并且提出将瑜伽练习运用于田径运动员的运动性疲劳恢复训练当中。  相似文献   
Schools in England are expected to ‘close the gap’ for a range of vulnerable pupils who are achieving below the levels seen amongst their same-aged peers. They are also highly accountable for additional funding that is provided to support this goal. The project reported here involved collating and analysing a range of data in order to evaluate the impact of a widely used computer-assisted-reading-intervention (CARI). Sixteen primary school pupils, all of whom were identified by their school as underachieving in literacy, used the CARI daily over a five-week period. The post-intervention data showed some clear gains in reading and spelling skills for all bar one of the children. The findings are discussed in relation to the wider literatures on CARIs. The research concludes that the CARI under investigation offers a useful and cost-effective adjunct to whole-class and group reading instruction and may be particularly beneficial for supporting the learning of pupils who are struggling to consolidate the knowledge and skills covered in their regular classroom reading instruction.  相似文献   
新媒体时代打破了体育传统媒体的话语权垄断,迎来了“个人赋权”的体育媒体话语权格局。体育媒体话语平台多元化;体育媒体话语权的弥散化;体育媒体话语权的平民化是当前体育媒体话语权的态势。传统体育媒体也应积极面对新格局,化解危机。为此,拓宽话语平台,跨媒介融合;提升话语质量;整合话语体系是重塑传统体育媒体话语权的有效路径。  相似文献   
CUBA联赛经过20年的开展,其职业水平和影响力不断提高,对于开展高校篮球运动、储备篮球后备人才、传播校园体育文化及提高高校知名度都起到积极的作用。通过文献资料法、数理统计法、录像观察法和逻辑分析法,对第20届CUBA男子四强在整个赛程的攻防指标进行对比分析,对于四支队伍存在的优劣势,提出合理化建议。  相似文献   
[目的/意义]针对我国高校图书馆社会化服务效果不佳的状况,试图寻找一种有效且能长期开展的模式,以促进高校图书馆广泛参与,更好地满足民众的文化需求。[方法/过程]以西华师范大学图书馆为例,从组织构建、运作模式、社会效益概述科普基地社会化服务模式,并分析该模式具有构建约束机制、资源保障机制与激励机制、服务渠道的畅通机制的优势。[结果/结论]在自愿的原则下,高校图书馆与省委宣传部、省社科联联合共建科普基地以开展社会化服务,通过经费多家出,协调搭台,借用科普基地完善的管理体制与运行机制,构建高校图书馆社会化服务的长效机制。科普基地工作已在全国广泛开展,高校图书馆作为重要的文化服务单位位于申报对象之列且容易具备申报条件。因此,科普基地社会化服务模式是一种灵活的、有效的、可操作的,且具有广泛参与机制与可持续的模式,值得推广。  相似文献   
坦桑尼亚是"一带一路"倡议通向非洲、辐射非洲内陆的重要门户,它在快速城市化过程中面临交通基础设施严重短缺问题。基于坦桑尼亚公路、铁路、机场、港口、人口和城市分布数据,运用GIS空间分析技术,结合交通通达指数模型,从县域与城乡两个层面对坦桑尼亚交通通达水平的空间格局特征进行定量分析。研究发现:1)坦桑尼亚县域交通通达水平空间分布极不均衡,高值连片区主要位于东北沿海和维多利亚湖沿岸,低值连片区主要位于中央铁路线中段以北、中央铁路线南部的广大地区;2)受地理区位、资源禀赋、殖民历史、政府政策等影响,城市与乡村地区之间的交通通达水平差异十分显著。研究结果有助于坦桑尼亚制定区域交通发展政策和优化资源配置,同时对中-坦产业精准对接和产能转移具有一定的促进意义。  相似文献   
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